Real estate then and now
When I first entered real estate my first piece of technology was a pager...
We looked up real estate for our clients using the weekly mls books,
that I would carry around in the trunk of my car. Those books were considered gold and many of my clients back then would ask how they could get a copy! Imagine that! we were the keepers of the info! I would then proceed to thumb through the book looking for listings to show, call broker, make arrangements to pick up keys, back then not a lot of homes used the mls lock boxes.
My first mls lockbox key
Even though it was big and bulky I had a phone! At one time I even had a phone permanently installed in my vehicle.
Look how far we have come now!
We can't live without our iPhones/smartphones. They are crucial in our business today for responding to clients/customers how and when they want. I can write a contract, send it to client get it back, print all within minutes...
Here is an early Laptop... they were big, heavy to lug around.
My first mls lockbox key
Even though it was big and bulky I had a phone! At one time I even had a phone permanently installed in my vehicle.
Look how far we have come now!
Here is an early Laptop... they were big, heavy to lug around.
Now all I use is my IPAD!!
The evolution of technology in our business is great, but what hasn't changed is the fact that clients still want service. What has changed is the way we provide that service today. Are you providing the level of service for your clients that "they" want and expect?
Sue Lucas
Real Estate Tech Tips & Training
Real Estate Tech Tips & Training
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